Curated by
June 4, 2021
June 22, 2021
Season II, 2021 International Residency Exhibition
With works by Joseph Liatela, Kristen Cochran, Shay Arick, Sanghyun Koh, Liliana Farber, Johanna Strobel, and Yoshie Sugito.
June 4 - 23, 2021
Opening Reception: Friday, Juny 4, 5-8pm
NARS Main Gallery
NARS Foundation is excited to present To Sometimes Disappear, an exhibition featuring the works of our Season II, 2021 International Residency Artists.
To Sometimes Disappear is a series of reflections on how the physical realm can be redefined by the ways we experience grief, desire, time, and existence.
Through the collection, classification, and processing of materials and information, these artists draw parallels between old and new technologies, alchemy and science, conceptual and intuitive actions, and natural and artificial processes.
Mostly in the form of installations, these works speak about the transformation of time, of meaning and form –manifestations, exchanges, embodiments, appearances and disappearances.
Click here for the full press release.
This exhibition is in part supported by the Office of Cultural Affairs at the Consulate General of Israel in NY.
Due to COVID regulations, attendance is limited for the opening reception. Please click here to RSVP.
NARS Foundation Galleries are open to the public from 12pm - 5pm, Monday - Friday. Please contact with any other inquires.