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Exhibition Program

Mosen Binnalee

Mosen Binnalee (b. 1988,Saudi Arabia), has been creatively expressing himself from a young age, after high school he moved to the United Kingdom in 2007 to study law. During my U.K period, he saw art in a new light and it made his creative side flourish to a point that made him realize he wanted to pursue art. After defining my goals, He moved to the United Arab Emirates in 2013, which gave him the chance to become in close contact to a variety of international artists through his involvement with different art institutions, participate in shows, working as an artist assistant and enrolling for courses at the Sharjah art college.  In 2014, he moved to New York City, U.S.A, where he obtained his Bachelor's in Fine Arts degree from the School of Visual Arts. Currently, he is in a residency programme at cite international des arts, Paris, for one year.                                                        

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