Supporting Organizations

Supporting Organizations

NARS Foundation’s activities and programs are made possible through the generous support of our contributors and partners. For information on sponsorship opportunities, please e-mail

NARS Foundation thanks all of the artists who have donated work to our past benefits.  Your generous support of our benefits has been an immeasurable contribution to our continued success.

Our Partners & Supporters

NARS programs are made possible in part by Con Edison, inc., the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, and, in part, supported by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in Partnership with the City Council. Special thanks to Materials for the Arts for their continued partnership.

International Supporters

Thank you to our Residency Partner Artis.

American Australian Association

Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan


Arts Council England

Arts Council Korea

Arts Council of Ireland

Arts Council of Northern Ireland

Arts Promotion Centre Finland

Arts Queensland

Asian Cultural Council

Australian Cultural Fund

Australia Council for the Arts

Baho Culture Korea

Beckett Fonden

Canada Council for the Arts


Center for Modern Italian Art

Copyright Agency Cultural Fund

The Conseil des arts de Longueuil

The Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ)

Consulate General Of Israel in New York

Creative Industries Fund NL

Creative New Zealand

Danish Arts Foundation

Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity

Finish Cultural Institute

Fonds Kwadraat


Fundacion Humana Integral

Galway City Council

Government of South Australia

Griffith University

Hanwha Foundation of Culture

Helpmann Academy


Japan Foundation

Jamaica Center of Arts and Learning

Jeju Culture and Art Foundation

Jerome Foundation

JPC CoLeitrim County Council

Kansan Sivistysrahasto

Maryland State Arts Council

Migros Commitment


The Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Cyprus

The Ministry of Education and Culture, Uruguay

Mondriaan Fund

Municipality of Rotterdam

National Arts Council Singapore

The Netherland America Fund (NAF)

National Association for the Visual Arts Ltd (NAVA)

Niemeijer Fonds  

Nomura Foundation

NYC Cultural Affairs

Ontario Arts Council

Saskatchewan Arts Board

Singapore International Foundation

Stichting StokroosStroom Den Haag

Suomen Kulttuurirahasto

The Swedish Arts Grants Committee

The Ian Potter Cultural Trust

Tree of Life Foundation

University of Humanistic Studies

The VISEK Centre for the Promotion of Visual Art

Werktuig PPO

Wheaton College

Yoshino Gypsum Art Foundation
