Curated by
August 4, 2017
September 1, 2017
NARS Studio Artist Exhibition 2017
With works by Keren Anavy, Niamul Bari, Aglae Bassens, Emily Berger, Kat Chamberlin, Dongfan Chen, Andre Eamiello, Devra Fox, Nadine Mahoney, Ioana Manolache, Noël St. John Harnden, Nikki Schiro, Jahyun Seo, Elena Soterakis, Brian Stinemetz, Yi Xin Tong, Gus Wheeler, and Erich Winzer
August 4 - September 1, 2017
Opening Reception: Friday, August 4, 6-8pm
NARS Main Gallery
The New York Art Residency & Studios (NARS) Foundation is pleased to announce the annual Studio Artist exhibition, a showcase of the diverse community of artists working and creating at NARS year round curated by Eriola Pira. Aglae Bassen’s painting lends the exhibition its title and thematic principle. The question of how to orient and locate oneself in relation to space, the other, natural and social phenomena is foregrounded in many of the works. The studio, one’s painting practice and processes, and art as self-expression and “bearing witness” are positions to be explored and staked out. The very light of Sunset Park temporally locates Ioana Manolache’s work in her studio, even as they don’t refer to anything but the conditions of their making and the status of painting. Gus Wheeler’s paintings of fans and their placement in the gallery are meant to disorient and dislocate with their overwhelming familiarity. On the other end, global warming and environmental crises locate Elena Soterakis’ paintings in the here and now. There may not be a map or instructions for our way out of the dystopic future they depict.
NARS Foundation Galleries are open to the public from 12pm - 5pm, Monday - Friday. Please contact with any other inquires.