Elizabeth Velazquez
Elizabeth Velazquez is a New York based artist. In 2004 she received a Masters of Art in Art Studio in Painting from SUNY New Paltz. Currently, she has been working solely with works on paper. Her work demonstrates an interest in metaphor, intuition, instinct, emotion, and her ancestors.
Justin Davis
As the world’s increasing awareness of Brooklyn steadily shapes the borough’s identity, I have become particularly interested in capturing sites of beauty that may typically go unseen. My recent work has inspired me to seek out hidden landscapes and find new ways to observe and portray a seemingly average scene. I am constantly searching for geometric compositions within my surroundings. Light and atmosphere deeply influence the mood of my paintings. I typically paint with pastels and my focus becomes all about the intense color and contrast. My passion is composing cityscapes that evoke a mood that can be peaceful or eerie, lovely and familiar, and that can tell a story of my home.
The Artist Salon series is a program organized by NARS artists for their fellow studio and residency artists. The Artist Salon Committee coordinates artist talks, presentations, studio visits, and various other activities to encourage insightful dialogue among its participants. Continuously building dynamic conversations around topics related to the current times and our environment, the Artist Salon is an open forum for testing out new ideas, examining paradigm shifts in the art world, and furthering the creative development of the NARS artist community. This is a self-directed program that shifts and morphs according to the needs of the community.
NARS entrance on 35th Street will remain open until 7:15. Doorways between studio floors will remain open through duration of the session for easy access by artists. Refreshments will be served.
Please contact operations@narsfoundation.org or 718-768-2765 for more information.