Kevin Noble
My work is an investigation into the relationship of culture and conflict. My focus has been primarily on military occupations and resistance against the forces of occupation. Collaboration and resistance are two positions that remain pertinent to all cultural activity. I am curious about the idea of culture itself being an arena of conflict.
Conor McGrady
My recent work examines the role of authority in contemporary society. In particular it explores how power is manifested in individuals and nation states and how it translates into symbols, iconography, actions and a sense of self and place. Rural landscapes examine the duality implicit in areas that are repositories of romantic ideal and yet contain hidden threats. In the drawings of urban areas neo-classicism is referenced as an architecture of imagined order, stability and permanence. The figurative compositions and portraits examine individual and collective selfhood in situations of social instability. The aim of the work is to raise questions relating to the control of space, personal and national boundaries.
The Artist Salon series is a program organized by NARS artists for their fellow studio and residency artists. The Artist Salon Committee coordinates artist talks, presentations, studio visits, and various other activities to encourage insightful dialogue among its participants. Continuously building dynamic conversations around topics related to the current times and our environment, the Artist Salon is an open forum for testing out new ideas, examining paradigm shifts in the art world, and furthering the creative development of the NARS artist community. This is a self-directed program that shifts and morphs according to the needs of the community.
NARS entrance on 35th Street will remain open until 7:15. Doorways between studio floors will remain open through duration of the session for easy access by artists. Refreshments will be served.
Please contact or 718-768-2765 for more information.