Rose Nestler
Through installation, drawing, and sculpture Rose Nestler develops spaces that are illusionary yet familiar. Themes of historical architecture, ornamental objects and untamed landscapes create the formal basis for the works. Within these spaces, dimensional and flat, the force of the natural world pervades an opulent environment of aging man-made buildings and objects.
Richard Castellana
My subjects are many: landscapes, cityscapes, still life, people alone or in groups, interiors with a view out the window, my experience of riding the subway from my Manhattan apartment to my Brooklyn studio and back.
Running through all of this is the struggle to create something meaningful with color, space, and light; the wonder and mystery I feel for the phenomenal world and the human comedy.
I begin from sketches of what I see. My imagination, moods, and fantasies enter the process as I struggle to create a unified image on the canvas that conveys that illusive thing called meaning. Most paintings go through profound changes; sometimes the painting becomes a record of time, of my changing moods, as newer layers of paint cover, yet reveal, what remains of the past, as day becomes night or night day.
The Artist Salon series is a program organized by NARS artists for their fellow studio and residency artists. The Artist Salon Committee coordinates artist talks, presentations, studio visits, and various other activities to encourage insightful dialogue among its participants. Continuously building dynamic conversations around topics related to the current times and our environment, the Artist Salon is an open forum for testing out new ideas, examining paradigm shifts in the art world, and furthering the creative development of the NARS artist community. This is a self-directed program that shifts and morphs according to the needs of the community.
NARS entrance on 35th Street will remain open until 7:15. Doorways between studio floors will remain open through duration of the session for easy access by artists. Refreshments will be served.
Please contact or 718-768-2765 for more information.