Public Program

Artist Salon––France Hilbert & Elizabeth Bisbing

Curated by


December 20, 2011

France Hilbert

My work is related to the inner vision, a garden and its inhabitants, its memories, its dreams and its elements. In addition, part of my work consist to translate into memorials or tributes the ephemere and the universal such as history and values. Also, as a part time explorer of our concrete reality I memorized and record in my "Daily News" scenes of our present time. It seems that the idea of memory is present into the various level of my work.

Elizabeth Bisbing

My work is centered on the position of women/girls in society throughout time. This is expressed through domestic interiors, collages and prints of Little Betty Jane (my alter child ego), and animations. For the past 6 years, I have been working in painted paper collage. This began the summer after a Matisse exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I went several times to that exhibition. The paper cut outs were included along with some wonderful fabrics.

The Artist Salon series is a program organized by NARS artists for their fellow studio and residency artists. The Artist Salon Committee coordinates artist talks, presentations, studio visits, and various other activities to encourage insightful dialogue among its participants. Continuously building dynamic conversations around topics related to the current times and our environment, the Artist Salon is an open forum for testing out new ideas, examining paradigm shifts in the art world, and furthering the creative development of the NARS artist community. This is a self-directed program that shifts and morphs according to the needs of the community.

NARS entrance on 35th Street will remain open until 7:15.  Doorways between studio floors will remain open through duration of the session for easy access by artists. Refreshments will be served.

Please contact or 718-768-2765 for more information.

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