Public Program

Artist Salon––Rob Andrews & Chinatsu Seya

Curated by


December 11, 2012


My practice is about fear, blood and spit--the susurration of gain and loss beyond language. I'm afraid we'll lose the old stories, or they'll change so much we'll forget the stink of each other. I enact rituals and tell stories using my body and the bodies of others. If stories aren't re-told and distorted, they petrify. I steal from tradition, religious practice, and my collaborators. I get their stories wrong on purpose in order to make them right in another way. My practice involves personal intervention into the muck of inherited mythology, public actions, and volunteer and forced collaborations.


I'm currently working on a series of large-scale portraits drawn in Sumi ink. I depict my subject from oblique viewpoints to interrupt the traditional gaze of the viewer and subject. Through gently developed

textures and tones I emphasize the graphic element of the drawings. By focusing on and enlarging textures like hair and fabric, parts of the drawings begin to look like geographical surfaces. These drawings allow me to explore alternative characteristics of the subject through my expression and exaggeration of rich detail that usually goes unnoticed.

The Artist Salon series is a program organized by NARS artists for their fellow studio and residency artists. The Artist Salon Committee coordinates artist talks, presentations, studio visits, and various other activities to encourage insightful dialogue among its participants. Continuously building dynamic conversations around topics related to the current times and our environment, the Artist Salon is an open forum for testing out new ideas, examining paradigm shifts in the art world, and furthering the creative development of the NARS artist community. This is a self-directed program that shifts and morphs according to the needs of the community.

NARS entrance on 35th Street will remain open until 7:15.  Doorways between studio floors will remain open through duration of the session for easy access by artists. Refreshments will be served.

Please contact or 718-768-2765 for more information.

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