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Exhibition Program

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International Residency

Yohanna M. Roa

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Season III, 2019

"The work of Yohanna Roa returns to the history of art the materiality that the disciplinary trajectory has robbed, in the attempt to rationalize and convert its sensoriality into words; to grant its a structure, a canon; and to integrate it into Western History with a capital letter. Her work literally dismantles books with canonical images of art history to reconfigure them into new plastic relationships based on embroidery, crochet, collage and painting, in such a way that they constitute a "feminist virtual museum" in the sense that Griselda Pollock enunciates: a construction that unhinges the rules of chronology, genre, stylistics and geography that sustain the narratives and definitions of art, inviting new readings, or rather new ways of experiencing history: from the corporeal act of inhabiting, touching and manipulate their pieces." Karen Cordero Curator.

Yohanna M Roa is a transdisciplinary artist born in Bogota Colombia, currently lives in the United States. She has a master's degree in visual arts from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and an undergraduate degree in visual arts from Bellas Artes Colombia. She recently opened the exhibition: "The journey to Mamacaltepec Momoxco" in Calpulli Tecalco in San Pedro Actopan - Mexico. She has a large number of individual and collective exhibitions such as Looking At Contemporary Photography. Ruiz & Healy art Gallery, The Sky of America is Beautiful, Public Library - Monroe - NC. Past Instructions for Use it, Gallery Valenzuela & Klener Bogotá and Art Fair Plattform Zur Präsentation Von Kunstinitiativenin Karlsruhe plus internationale Gäste Germany.

Yohanna M. Roa's residency at NARS is made possible by Fundación Humana Integral.

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