"The work of Yohanna Roa returns to the history of art the materiality that the disciplinary trajectory has robbed, in the attempt to rationalize and convert its sensoriality into words; to grant its a structure, a canon; and to integrate it into Western History with a capital letter. Her work literally dismantles books with canonical images of art history to reconfigure them into new plastic relationships based on embroidery, crochet, collage and painting, in such a way that they constitute a "feminist virtual museum" in the sense that Griselda Pollock enunciates: a construction that unhinges the rules of chronology, genre, stylistics and geography that sustain the narratives and definitions of art, inviting new readings, or rather new ways of experiencing history: from the corporeal act of inhabiting, touching and manipulate their pieces." Karen Cordero Curator.
Yohanna M Roa is a transdisciplinary artist born in Bogota Colombia, currently lives in the United States. She has a master's degree in visual arts from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and an undergraduate degree in visual arts from Bellas Artes Colombia. She recently opened the exhibition: "The journey to Mamacaltepec Momoxco" in Calpulli Tecalco in San Pedro Actopan - Mexico. She has a large number of individual and collective exhibitions such as Looking At Contemporary Photography. Ruiz & Healy art Gallery, The Sky of America is Beautiful, Public Library - Monroe - NC. Past Instructions for Use it, Gallery Valenzuela & Klener Bogotá and Art Fair Plattform Zur Präsentation Von Kunstinitiativenin Karlsruhe plus internationale Gäste Germany.
Yohanna M. Roa's residency at NARS is made possible by Fundación Humana Integral.