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International Residency

Visaya Hoffie



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Season III, 2024

Hoffie's practice bridges a number of disciplines to draw attention to the ongoing influences of traditional approaches, genres and histories on how we navigate the impassive, seemingly banal territories of our contemporary lives.She salvages throwaway visual detritus from these realms in order to make new , DIY connections that hint at the possibilities of more meaningful - though inevitably humorous - engagements.

Visaya Hoffie’s practice extends through ‘expanded painting’ into sculpture, printmaking, ceramics, design, animation, leatherwork, haberdashery and a range of craft media that she often brings together in immersive installations that locate the viewer as an essential and performative element in the work. The artist brings a broad range of historical and cultural experiences and references to bear on her slightly wry, amused and often revealing responses to our contemporary cultural landscape. Her work often suggests new paradigms for world-making where hybridised boot-legged characters transcend hierarchies of taste and toy with the limitations of aesthetic boundaries.

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