Shihori Yamamoto is known for her intricates drawings and site-specific installations. Yamamoto’s work deeply relates to her daily experiences with her life-long mental illness. Yamamoto creates artworks for her therapy and repeats tasks such as drawing lines and stitching rags. Yamamoto starts a piece without setting a destination. Her tasks accumulate on the surface to occupy the environments, then engulfs and diminishes the audience into the space. There, Yamamoto’s work celebrates the dichotomies of brightness versus darkness, chaos versus orders, and life versus death.
Shihori Yamamoto (b. 1988) is a Japanese artist based in New York. Yamamoto received her MFA in Fine Arts from Pratt Institute and BA in Architecture from Musashino Art University, Tokyo. Yamamoto’s works have been exhibited internationally in the United States, Japan and Germany. Her honors and residencies include Yoshino Gypsum Art Foundation Grant, Pola Art Foundation Grant, Shibuya Art Award/Hiraizumi Chie Award, Urban Glass Scholarship, New York Foundation for the Arts Immigrant Mentor Program, Kimmel Harding Nelson Center Residency Award, Vermont Studio Center Artist Grant, and Ito Foundation Scholarship. Yamamoto will be a resident artist at Residency Unlimited in 2019.
Shihori Yamamoto's residency at NARS is made possible by Yoshino Gypsum Art Foundation.