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International Residency

Or Zubalsky

United States

United States

Text Link

Season I, 2019

Or Zubalsky works in software, sound, and installation. He makes digital platforms that extend into physical space and organize collective action. His practice emerges out of a desire to unlearn the logic of settler colonialism and work from the traces it leaves behind. He is interested in the ways in which dominant ways of knowing manifest when they are translated into the digital: as database models, online interfaces, and networked systems, and the way these manifestations then continue to shape social and power relations. His projects create interventions into the ways these sites of knowledge production operate, reimagining them, and reconfiguring them.

Or Zubalsky is an artist, educator, and programmer working in New York City. His work has been presented at The New Museum (New York, NY), Queens Museum (Queens, NY), and Eyebeam (New York, NY), Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (San Francisco, CA), Museum of Arts and Design (New York, NY), Ross Art Museum (Delaware, OH), Smack Mellon (Brooklyn, NY), Sheila C. Johnson Design Center (New York, NY), Vox Populi (Philadelphia, PA), Site Santa Fe (Santa Fe, NM), Syndicat Potential (Strasbourg, France). Zubalky presented his projects at the Museum of Modern Art, College Art Association, Open Engagement NY, TEDx, and ArtsTech. He holds an MFA from Bard Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts and a BFA from Parsons School of Design, where he also teaches.

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