Matthew Cronin’s work reimagines pre-existing photographs through montage, multiple exposure, and alternate methods of scanning. His practice is heavily rooted in the history of photography and explores the medium’s role in establishing, recording, and perpetuating various traditions and ideologies. He takes an “archeological” approach when working with found material. Cronin methodically exploring the conceptual layers that make up an image in hopes of uncovering something not readily visible on the surface.
Matthew Cronin lives and works in New York. He holds an MFA in Studio Art from University of Texas at Austin as well as a BFA in Photography from Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Cronin’s process makes use of preexisting photographs which he reimagines through montage, multiple exposure, and alternate methods of scanning. His work has been exhibited in galleries and museums throughout the United States and Canada including The Visual Arts Center, Austin; Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston; Back Gallery Project, Vancouver, and the NARS Foundation, Brooklyn. Cronin’s work can be found in the Ogden Museum of Southern Art’s permanent collection and in the archives at the Center for Creative Photography.