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International Residency

Mar Ramón Soriano



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Season I, 2023

Mar Ramon's processual and theoretical research places the materiality of things at the center of interest. The dialogues and the constructive methods depend on the objectual nature that is articulated according to weights, resistances and fragilities. Everything is born from a conscious look around that reads the connotations that each thing brings to the final composition. The body is just another object, stretched, molded, hanging from a thread or placed in precarious conditions. Represented with ceramics, it brings a component of drama and fear of breakage. She looks at the prehensions that are generated between what surrounds us and ourselves and observes how ergonomics designs tools that adapt us and generate an increasingly minimal and determined gestural theater.

Ramón is a Spanish artist with her permanent studio in a Galician small town with a strong ceramic tradition. Studying fine arts at Vigo and Barcelona University, she received her PhD in 2022 with a research on the object in sculpture with a special focus on gender variant. She has exhibited in CGAC (Santiago) or MARCO (Vigo) and among her solo exhibitions are Foams, sponges (ArteSantander 2022), The infinite vase (Zona C, 2022), Empathic systems (Alterarte, 2022), A curve a wave a body (Art Mustang, 2021) or The Optimal Form/Shape (ARCO Madrid / Galería Nordés 2021). She has participated in residencies in Spain and Portugal and is currently conducting independent research at the Observational Practice Lab (Parsons School of Design).

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