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International Residency

Katie Hubbell

United States

United States

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Season I, 2022

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Season II, 2022

Hubbell’s multimedia practice operates within the formal slippages of installation, sculpture, performance, and video. She examines mass-media aesthetization, highlighting the tensions and comforts embedded within sensuous images. Using objects and materials from everyday life, Hubbell’s practice reveals the flirtations and repulsions, states of boredom and states of obsession, parallels and contradictions which inhabit twenty-first century advertisement culture and self-help models of care.

Hubbell’s multimedia practice examines mass-media aesthetization, highlighting the tensions and comforts embedded within sensuous images. Hubbell’s work reveals the flirtations and repulsions, states of boredom and states of obsession, parallels and contradictions which inhabit twenty-first century advertisement culture and self-help models of care. Hubbell currently lives and works in Philadelphia.

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