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International Residency

Jenny Rafalson

United States

United States



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Season II, 2022

Jenny Rafalson's detachment and yearning for home as an immigrant and alien led her exploring and questioning the narrative and memory of belonging in a modern society, often through the use of plants. Rafalson photographys subjects that are a part of her life and have strong ties to her existence as an immigrant woman, such as daily moments, memories and events, which she appropriates into a yearning of belonging and home. She works on the border between directed studio work and documentary photography that aims to perpetuate a memory that may have not existed ever before. She mixes both and incorporates images such as plants, landscapes and herself into the images and the video.

Jenny Rafalson, Born in the former USSR and grow up in Israel, is a photographer and a video artist. Rafalson's detachment and yearning for home as an immigrant and alien herself led her exploring and questioning the narrative and memory of belonging in a modern society, often through the use of plants. Rafalson is the recipient of the James Weinstein Memorial Fellowship for 2019-2020 and Arts, Science + Culture Initiative grant a collaboration between University of Chicago and the School of the Art Institute. Among her exhibitions are Transplanting, at 062 gallery, Chicago, 2020 and Weary afternoon sun, at The sixth Israel Photography Festival, Tel- Aviv, 2018.

Jenny Rafalson's residency at NARS is made possible by Israel Office of Cultural Affairs at Consulate General of Israel New York.

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