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International Residency

Hyeree Christina Mary Ro

United States

United States

South Korea

South Korea

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Season II, 2022

Hyeree Christina Mary Ro works primarily in performance, installation, and video. Through her sculptural, bilingual narrative-based performances, Ro explores the social, historical, and topographical relationships of Korean migrant experience, often along with family history. Her objects are constructed with bare materials by means of transformation, assemblage, and intervention to make new forms. Finding various ways to relate her objects to the body and navigating the connections between language and movement are crucial process in her practice. She seeks to create an affective field through object-body-word relation in her performances.

Hyeree Christina Mary Ro was born in 1987 in Seoul, South Korea and grew up in Seoul and Santa Rosa, California. Her work has been exhibited at Leeum Museum of Art (Seoul, KR), Korean Culture Centre (Ottawa, Canada), North Gallery (New Haven, CT), Asian Culture Center (Gwangju, KR), Ilmin Museum of Art (Seoul, KR), and Arario Museum in Space Theater (Seoul, KR) among others. She has received fellowships from Arts Council Korea, Art Space Pool, Art Sonje Center, Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, Akiyoshidai International Arts Village, and Yale University. Ro received her BFA from Korea National University of Arts in 2017, her BA in Law from Yonsei University in 2011, and her MFA from Yale University in 2021.

Hyeree Christina Mary Ro's residency at NARS is made possible by Arts Council Korea.

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