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International Residency

Celeste Viv Ly

United States

United States

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Season III, 2024

Celeste Viv Ly's practice inquires into the generative potentials of the intra-action betwixt speculative mythscience, biotechnological processes, and bodily registers of harm and synergy. It encompasses time-based/ sculptural/ multimedia installations, sythesising a hypertextual reality across diegetic prototypes, performance, software, and writing. Interweaving design fiction, peripatetic lifeworld, organic-synthetic processes, hyperstitional and subcultural material-syntaxes, their research and practice question and examine the artefacts of interspaces/non-places, instrumentalisation, and agential entanglement in continual processes of becoming. Tracing the Sisyphean cycles that entwine the (non)human, technocultural, symbolic, and sacrificial, their works render how the in-between in hyperstitional contexts, and the exigent, political nature of risk could be potentialised to destabilise and transform structures of the socio-cultural macrocosms we exist in.

Celeste Viv Ly (b. Seattle, WA; they/she) is a London/NYC-based Cantonese-American queer interdisciplinary artist, researcher, and writer. Recently shortlisted for Somerset House Studios x CCI Creative Technologies Fellowship (UK, 2023) and received grants from Sasakawa Foundation (UK, 2023) as part of Liminal Bodies Research Group, Celeste has exhibited and performed internationally at Tate Modern lates programme, Kyoto Art Centre, Gossamer Fog, Staffordshire St, Ugly Duck, ACUD Galerie, Dyson Gallery, The Crypt Gallery, Konstepidemin, Shedhalle Tübingen, The Truman Brewery, Enclave Projects, Electrowerkz, and so on. Their collaborative projects have been shown at Forma Arts & Media, LungA Festival, HIAP Residency, Milan Art Week, etc. Celeste's works have been featured in Clot Magazine, Art Monthly, Tokyo Art Beat, Artribune, Artscape, O Fluxo, Saliva Live, and other platforms.

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