International Residency
United States
Season II, 2016
As a media artist with a background in printmaking, Bundith Phunsombatlert explores how new technology can cross disciplinary to traditional, mass, and cultural media, to describe new definitions of using space. Carefully considering the history of cultures or places, he analyzes and synthesizes these situations in order to develop artwork that reconsiders new identities in the globalization era, by engaging a diversity of perceptions, uncovering social meaning as it affects our day-to-day lives.
Bundith considers his artwork, not only in terms of subject and media, but also in terms of function. He is particularly interested in intergenerational communication, and recognizes himself as part—not the sole creator—of the social circuit he explores. Through his projects, Bundith designs systems for sharing and communicating that explores the transformation from fact‐based orientation to imagination. This parallels his own transformation as an artist working in the East and the West as well as his move from traditional to new media. Furthermore, it demonstrates a transmodal transformation, where the state of being and becoming meet, that he argues is inherent in new media.