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International Residency

Allison Hunter

United States

United States

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Season II, 2019

Allison Hunter’s video and photographic work uncovers beauty in the everyday and challenges conventional forms of image making and display. Hunter combines physical objects with moving images to challenge the viewer’s ability to perceive what is physically present and what is on film. Her films depict natural elements like leaves, water, shadows that are projected onto forms such as paper, scrap wood, foil. Through this combination, Hunter breaks from the traditional screen shape by projecting onto corners versus flat walls and onto crumpled paper instead of reflective fabric. She also incorporates her photographs of vernacular objects (ribbons, bows) that she prints in large-format and displays as patterned backdrops or monumental forms, recalling Modernist sculpture within her installation environments.

Allison Hunter graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York (MFA 1997) and the Ecole Cantonal d’Art de Lausanne, Switzerland (Diplôme, 1990). She has won three Individual Artist Grants from the Houston Arts Alliance since 2006. Hunter exhibited solo projects at the North Carolina Museum of Art (Raleigh), Women & Their Work (Austin), and DiverseWorks (Houston) among others. Her work is collected by the Center for Photography at Woodstock, the Art Museum of the University of Albany, and the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Recently she completed residencies at Vermont Studio Center, the School of Visual Arts, New York and La Porte Peinte Centre Pour les Arts, Noyers, France. Hunter is Artist-in-Residence at Rice University in Houston, Texas.

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