Science Art Workshop
at the Biodesign Lab
Saturday, May 18th, 2-4 PM
NARS is pleased to have artist Yoko Shimizu, to lead the Science Art Workshop on Saturday, May 18th, 2-4 pm. The workshop will take place at NARS Foundation 201 46th St, 4th floor, Brooklyn, NY, 11220.
Yoko Shimizu blurs the lines between art and science, turning the infinite natural scientific phenomena around us into stunning installations. In this workshop families will have the opportunity to create their own scientific artwork and learn the mechanism of nature.
The workshop is suitable for children of all ages.
NARS will provide all necessary materials and support.
Limited to 15 participants
To RSVP or for any questions about the workshop, please contact: or 718-768-2765.
We look forward to seeing you soon!