2014 Season IV


Artist Biography

Jimmy Nuttall is an emerging multi-disciplinary artist from Melbourne, Australia. His practice shifts between video and scattered installations/assemblages that engage a dialogue on a politics of (queer) self; personally and interpersonally. His work is spurred by an ongoing concern or obsession with the institutions it exists within ranging from the cultural landscapes to the caging art-world. Humour and conviviality are deeply appreciated forms of articulation in his practice.

Jimmy has exhibited widely within in Australia and internationally. Recent solo exhibitions include: ‘SYDNEY’ (2014) at Darlington Installation Project, Sydney, ‘GOOD’ (2014) at Platform Contemporary and ‘FONTANA ACQUA' (2013) Dudspace, Melbourne. Recent group shows include ‘Dudproject #1’, Dudspace (2014), ‘DUMMY’, Mailbox (2014), ‘IT’S SOMETIMES THAT YOU MOVE TOO LOUD’ (2014), part of Gay and Lesbian Midsumma festival, ‘Kenneth Biennale, part of Third/Fourth Melbourne artist facilitated Biennial’, Rearview Gallery, Melbourne and ‘Hatched: National Graduate Exhibition’ (2013), Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts.

Jimmy was the recipient of an Australia Council ArtStart Grant (2014) and a National Association of Visual Arts' for professional practice (2012).

This is the first residency Jimmy has undertaken.

This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.