2024 Season I


Artist Statement/ Biography

Caroline Cloutier researches the effects of light, space, and perceptual phenomena on our psyche through photography, installation, sculpture, and drawing. She blurs the lines between the second and third dimensions by photographing handcrafted compositions enhanced by sunlight. Cloutier often works with variations and series to highlight the fourth dimension (time). In her ongoing series, Life Flow, she uses saturated colours and sacred geometry to create energetic vibrations.

Her work reaffirms the timeless legacy of abstraction and humans' spiritual connection with geometry since ancient history. Her work gives us a renewed experience of how we perceive the physical world. She intertwines our known fourth-dimensional planes to broaden our perception of reality and, ultimately, open doors to life's metaphysics.


Caroline Cloutier is a visual artist based in Montreal (Tio'tia:ke), Canada, where she obtained an MA in Studio Arts at Concordia University in 2022. Her photographic and installation work has been shown in solo and group exhibitions in Canada New York, Austria, and Italy and during several art fairs like VOLTA NY and Untitled Miami. Recent honours include fellowships and residencies from the British School at Rome, NARS Foundation, Banff Center for the Arts, Molinari Foundation, Yvonne Bombardier Foundation, and Lande Award in Photography. Her research has been financed by the Canada Council for the Arts and the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec many times. < BACK

This residency is generously supported by: