2022 Season II


Artist Statement/ Biography

In her work, Anne Büscher bridges art, design, and science through artistic experiment in which she stretches the commonly perceived function and identity of the involved materials and techniques. Her work develops from the tension between research, seeking for materials and innovative processes of making. Part of her practice is the documentation of her playful and experimental research process, locating the unknown, the elusive,


Anne Büscher is based in Maastricht, the Netherlands. Her work has been displayed at fairs, galleries and art spaces such as PAD Paris, London and Geneva, TOKAS Tokyo, Looiersgracht 60 Amsterdam, Bureau Europa Maastricht, CIAP Hasselt, Space Collection Liège, Japan Cultural Institute in Cologne and Ludwig Forum Aachen among others. Anne holds a Bachelor in Jewelry Design from the Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts and Design and a Master of Fine Arts from the Sandberg Institute in Amsterdam. She has been artist in residence at Villa Waldberta, Germany 2020, Tokyo Wonder Site in Tokyo, Japan in 2016 and at RAVI in Liège, Belgium in 2017.